Thursday, July 19, 2012

A new Blog!

dear followers of this blog,

thank you so much for joining this blog however long ago. i have enjoyed your comments and i hope you have enjoyed my random thoughts. i just wanted to let you know that due to the recent marriage between ammon lott and myself, i now have a new blog i hope you will follow!

here is the link:


Friday, April 13, 2012

spring is here!

a very inspiring bug once said, "tra-la-la spring is in the air. and i am a flower. with nothing interesting to say." well spring is in the air. well sorta? minus the wind yesterday and today. and lack of sun. but it rained!

              as for being a flower? sure. and as for having nothing interesting to say? not a chance. unlike Slim, i have a few interesting things to say. the good. the bad. and the ugly.

the good.
    i got a salad bar to-go from brick oven yesterday. i thought i'd finally use a gift-card i found in my wallet. turns out there were 6 whole dollars on it!
          so, needless to say my salad bar was free and i still had some mulah left over.  although i try to avoid brick oven as much as possible on my day off, the salad bar was indeed a GOOD choice.

other good news. well. I'M GETTING MARRIED IN 15 14 1/2 DAYS!! this is definitely a good thing. i am so ready to get married. practically everything is ready and all i have to do is get all prettied-up the day it comes!

the bad.
        finals are about here and i don't feel quite ready for some of them. also, i've missed math 3 days in a row! the first day, that was my bad. (the weather was just too good.) but the last 2 days are because i haven't been feeling well at all. i hope this goes away SOON!

now, for the ugly.
    i mentioned that spring is in the air. which means lots and lots of pollen. did i mention i'm allergic to pollen? well it was certainly in the air when the following event occured:

here's a pic. but don't look too long. haha

as Adrian Monk would say, "here's what happened:"
        i went for a run outside.
   and then the swelling just started to appear.
                  but all is well.
 i took some medicine and the swelling went down a few hours later.
          but oh man, was it ugly! haha

Friday, March 23, 2012

homework date

it is 9:37 p.m. on a friday night
i am surrounded by empty computers
i am at the uvu library
the printer is humming
there is faint clicking on a keyboard behind me
the chair right next to me is squeeking
ammon is still doing math

writing in my blog.
but i should get back to doing homework.

oh calvin, nobody expresses how i feel better than you do:

Calvin and Hobbes

calvin and hobbes comics by theme:

Monday, March 19, 2012

spring break

when i went to byu idaho, they did not have a spring break. to compensate for this, i would go off about how i was glad that we didn't have a spring break because it meant we got out sooner.
 now i go to uvu. and they have  a spring break.
 i'm glad we have a spring break.
 it's the perfect break and it's totally worth getting out a week later.

battle creek falls hike

ooh la la!

 i love this kid!

gorgeous hike!

registering and petsmart
we went to bed bath and beyond and finalized our wedding registery. then we stopped at petsmart.

pretty bird

Ammon's best friend/cousin, elder matthew hardin came come from the mish!

date night at trafalga
ammon and leah
matthew and kellie
ammon and kate

 so fly

 not so fly

supa fly

Thursday, March 8, 2012

wedding craft idea

my roommate Jamie Arnett, showed me this fun way to make flowers out of paper. the theme of my wedding reception is vintage so i made a whole bunch out of vintage craft paper i found at Joanne's. (180 sheets for only 12 dollars!) here is how to make them:
{origami flower}
What you need:
  • 5 square pieces of paper (I used 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 in, but you can use any size really, depending on how big a flower you want)
  • glue or tape
{origami flower}
1. Fold the paper in half, creating a triangle
{origami flower}
2. Take the left and right corners and fold them up to the middle
{origami flower}
{origami flower}
3. Fold the same pieces down to the right and left outside edge of the square. They will line up with the edges.
{origami flower}
{origami flower}
4. Open up the pockets you've just created and press them down.
{origami flower}
{origami flower}
5. Fold the small triangles towards you on each side so they are level with the edges of the paper.
{origami flower}
6. Fold the triangle in half on each side, using the crease you made earlier.
{origami flower}
7. Apply glue on the outside triangle, stick it to the other side. This is you first petal. To complete the flower, you need to make 4 more of these petals and glue them together.
{origami flower}

wedding secrets

dear readers of my blog,

planning a wedding is tough stuff! there are a lot of details that go into planning, that I didn't think about until it came time to actually plan one! makes sense, right? well i am about to introduce some secrets that I have learned while planning.

secret number one: start early! the earlier you start, the more time you'll have to come across cheap ideas.

secret number two: make your own crafts! it's fun and saves money!

secret number three: talk to people! don't be afraid to talk to ten different people to see who can share their talent. there is so much planning that goes into a wedding and it's hard trying to find someone who knows how to do exactly what you're looking for.  i have been soooo incredibly blessed with people who have volunteered to help me out! here are just some of the angels in my life:

Laura North. my aunt. took my engagements even though she was feeling sick that day. put together my announcement and got me a bundle of 300 announcements with envelopes for only $75.

Fabby Soderquist. hosted a wedding cake contest. and with the help of so many wonderful people on facebook, i won a free cake! and Fabby is letting me design my own cake!

Laura Sudweeks. an amazing photographer and co-worker at Brick Oven. she is taking my bridals even though it's right before she leaves on an LDS mission. 

Candace Stevenson. sweetest girl I know. works with me at Brick Oven. not only is she willing to do my hair early in the morning, but she even offered to make me a hair clip as well. and she's really good at both those things!

Jana Alley. my best friend's sister. really good at cutting hair. for the first time, i am going to get blond highlights and know she'll do a fantastic job!

Dell Lovelace. fellow ward member and neighbor in Mapleton. offered to help my mom with setting up the reception, is throwing me a bridal shower, and is letting me use one of her daughter's veil and slip!

Teresa Johnson. my aunt's friend. she is amazing at making wedding videos and i'm so excited to see the one she is making for us!

as you can see, i have been overwhelmed with angels in my life. and there's many more of you! thank you so much to all those who have lightened my load of financial stress and just stress in general! And then there's the emotional stress, haha. I promise I'm not as stressed as I sound... thanks to all those who have been there for me emotionally as well! especially you, Ammon Lott. :) i can't wait to marry you in the temple for time and all eternity!

and secret number four: try to focus on the main goal. for me, the main goal is marrying my best friend in the temple. sometimes i still don't comprehend what i'm getting into. i mean, FOREVER is a long time! but i do know the temple is the greatest and most peaceful place on earth i could possibly get married. and i'm so glad that's where i'll be on my wedding day. knowing this has really helped me relax during the hard times.

i like this quote: "the main thing, is to keep the main thing, the main thing!"

aint that the truth!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

just a quick thought

so many friends to write
so many equations to solve
so many appointments to go to
so many papers to write
so many prayers to give
so many people to call back
so many concerns to express and listen to
so many tests to study for
so many scriptures to read
so many crafts to make
so many missionaries to write
so many blogs to read
so many hours spent at work
so many minutes spent making food
so many e-mails to write and resond to
so many books to read
so many thoughts i need to express!!!

there are so many things that need to be done every day. how do i have time? i don't know.
 in fact, i don't always have time. i am STRESSED and my head hurts. and my gum is swollen and i need to go see the dentist AGAIN. and and and and and.....

these are my thoughts. all i gotta say right now is i can't wait for the honeymoon. :)