Burried Memories
Today I substitute taught at the very school I went to when I first started public school. A few outer changes have been made, but the corriculum itself seems to be about the same since I left. During Recess I witnessed something that brought back some burried memories. Two girls were walking arm and arm and a third girl was walking behind them. One of the girls in front turned around and said the following without any sympathy, "Go away Amanda!" Amanda then turned around and pretended to be tying her shoe as she fought back tears. I couldn't decide if I should go over and tell her I knew how she felt or watch to see what she would do next. I decided on the latter and a few minutes later, she shot right back up and ran over to another group of girls playing jump rope, smiling again. Amanda handled rejection much better than I did at that age. I saw a lot of me in her and reflected on the progress I've made in having confidence.
I love who I am today and I love being ME!
Leah! I love that you have a blog! It's way cute!!! And I love this post! I can tell I like Amanda..and YOU. Thanks for the great post. I will be reading your blog.