Friday, January 13, 2012

I like to embark dark

I dyed my hair.
Nacho Libre wears strechy pants for fun. Me? I dye my hair. :)
Here are the before and afters:



So uh... side-note on these pictures: I'm not one to take pictures of myself and keep them, let alone post them. Eheh. So I'm not sure how I feel about this post. To be honest, I think I just did it because it's a very "blog-like" thing to do, right?  Haha. So here they are. Enjoy. :)


  1. Oooo, I like your hair dark like that! Then again I like it light too. I just think you're super pretty. Well, I am proud to say I am now a super big fan and blog follower of yours...and yours is one of the FUNNEST to follow. I'm addicted already.

  2. PS I like BEING. That's really neat.
